Hi Folks,
Zoom Meeting – Tuesday, July 14th at 6:30 PM – informational webinar to start, and then we’ll jump into the connect support conversation afterwards.
Vice President, JJ O’Brien, will provide an overview of the June 30th PFLAG webinar:
PFLAG Votes 2020: Our Right and Our Responsibility
Webinar Description:
Voting is a right and responsibility for all Americans. And PFLAG National would like to help PFLAG Chapters, leaders, and members get-out-the-vote in their communities. In 2020 there is too much at stake for our LGBTQ+ loved ones not to. In this brand new session we’ll:
- Learn what PFLAG members should do to ensure that they are able to cast a ballot in November 2020
- Learn how PFLAG Chapters can help to register more voters while staying within the guidelines set forth by the IRS for 501c3 nonprofit organizations like PFLAG
- Learn more about the unfortunate realities of voting in the US and dissect some of the most common reasons people don’t vote
- Learn about PFLAG’s legislative priorities, highlight races to watch, and consider what is truly at stake for our LGBTQ+ loved ones
- Find out how we can help others make a plan, commit to voting, and advocate for themselves on election day
The Zoom Meeting info – click on the highlighted link:
Topic: PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley Meetings
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Password: AZPFLAG
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Hope to “see” your virtual images at our meeting!
Becky Shipman
Corresponding Secretary
PFLAG Sedona / Verde Valley