Please join us at our upcoming PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley Support Meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at the Sedona Public Library (3250 White Bear Road, Sedona) and on Zoom. The Zoom link is noted below.
We will be celebrating PFLAG’s 50-year anniversary! PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley Secretary, JJ O’Brien, will be doing a brief presentation and showing a short video about the interesting history and formation of PFLAG, which was founded in March of 1973 by Jeanne Manford, the mother of a gay son.
The first PFLAG meeting was held March 11, 1973 in New York City and was attended by about 20 people who wanted to support their gay children and family members. PFLAG’s overall mission is to provide support, education and advocacy on behalf of the LGBTQ community, their parents, families, friends and allies.
Since that first meeting 50 years ago, PFLAG has grown to approximately 300,000 members and supporters with about 375 local chapters throughout the USA. PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley is one of those local chapters and we were founded in July of 2011 by Susan Hughes. Like Jeanne Manford, Susan is the mother of a gay son.
Please join us as we celebrate PFLAG’s 50-year anniversary!
After the presentation, we will have our usual support group at 7:30 PM. As always, you may attend the first hour, second hour, or both.
Hope to see you at the meeting!
JJ O’Brien, Secretary
PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley
Both the presentation at 6:30 and the support meeting at 7:30 will use the following zoom links:
Zoom information:
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Passcode: AZPFLAG
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