Please join us at the upcoming Monday, May 8, 2017 support meeting of PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley. The support meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Church of the Red Rocks at 54 Bowstring Drive, in Sedona, in the Painted Cliffs Hall. Our speaker will be 13-year Sedona resident, Danielle Giann.
Danielle Giann, originally from Brooklyn, NY is a Realtor at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Charter member of the Rotary Club of Sedona Village and a coordinator for the Yavapai Food Council. Danielle has been happily married to Damian Bruno for 21 years, and they have a seven-year old son.
Danielle’s childhood was anything but normal. She was the only child of heroin addicted and HIV infected lesbians, which has given Danielle a certain perspective on the world. Danielle’s mother, Harriet Giann, had her Master’s degree in education and was a guidance counselor for special needs students for the New York City Board of Education. Harriet’s partner, Beatrice Meyer, was a social worker for the City of New York.
Danielle grew up never knowing her father. Unfortunately, due to her mothers’ addictions and their HIV infection, Danielle lost her family at age 14. She then had to move in with friends, the Kessler’s, since no one else in Danielle’s immediate family wanted to take on the responsibility of caring for her (probably because of their fears that she would turn out like her mother).
Through it all, Danielle managed to survive her parent’s heroin addiction and the resultant anger and loneliness due to their lifestyle. She also managed to survive being raised by the Kessler’s, as they turned out to be the heterosexual version of another crazy drug addicted household! For Danielle, the Kessler’s phase of her life reflects the phrase, “Out of the frying pan and into the fire!!”
If Danielle were to write a book the title would be “They Should have had a Goldfish”. There REALLY is so much more to this colorful story that Danielle is open to sharing.
Danielle Giann is doing this presentation not only to support PFLAG, but more importantly, to honor her parents and the one thing they gave her that she cherishes…….a healthy perspective on a non-typical family and lifestyle.
You won’t want to miss this meeting and hear Danielle Giann’s story. All are invited and welcome to attend.
As an added note, the Board of PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley recently voted to adopt an organization each quarter that we can help support. For the upcoming quarter, our organization is Rebel & Divine UCC Church in Phoenix, which provides support to homeless, marginalized, at-risk and less fortunate LGBTQ youth and young adults in the Phoenix area. At each of our meetings in April, May and June, we will be collecting items for Rebel & Divine. The items most needed at Rebel & Divine at this time are:
Pants for both men and women all sizes
Tennis shoes for men in size 9 and above and women in sizes 8 and above
Shampoo and conditioner
Razors and shaving cream
Toothpaste and toothbrush
Underwear for men and women/men love boxer briefs
Board members from PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley will be delivering the items collected to Rebel & Divine.