On April 13, 2015, our speaker will be Rev. Jeffrey Dirrim, pastor of Rebel & Divine UCC church in Phoenix. Rebel & Divine grew out of a Christmas mission project to give new shoes to homeless, marginalized, at risk and less fortunate LGBTQ teens in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
The mission of Rebel & Divine is to bring health and wholeness to those between the ages of 14 and 25 years of age. It is not only a safe place for these teens and young adults, but they also partner with other organizations and churches to carry out their mission of caring for these young people and helping them lead happy and successful lives.
An Arizona native and openly gay pastor, Jeffrey began his theological studies at Eden Theological Seminary and eventually transferred to Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA. In 2009 he began a new shoe drive after noticing many of the local LGBTQ youth he worked with through one-n-ten wore bad shoes or flip-flops, with some being without any shoes. With the help of volunteers on Christmas day, the youth & young adults of one-n-ten received new shoes, underwear, toiletries, socks, and Christmas dinner. And a new ministry was born. On January 19, 2015, HRC Arizona held an MLK Day of Service and created Rebel & Divine’s new Trans* Shoe and Clothing Bank at Phoenix First Congregational UCC. People from HRC, Rebel & Divine, Phoenix First Church, and the community came together to clean, paint, build, sort, and collect donations. The shoe & clothing bank will be a safe space for all LGBTQA (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer/questioning, allies) youth & young adults to find new clothes, underwear, socks, and shoes.
Please join us at 7:00 pm in Painted Cliffs hall on Monday, April 13. Consider bringing some new clothing, shoes, underwear or socks for a teen/young adult to aid in this ministry.