The speaker for the Monday, February 9, 2015 support meeting of PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley is Larry Rosenberg, sharing his Growing Up Larry – The Gay Story Line. The meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. at The Church of the Red Rocks, 54 Bowstring Drive, Sedona, Arizona
Larry will share the gay-themed scenes and songs of his Growing Up Larry – Riding the Roller Coaster, a spirited one-man show, which has been performed in Sedona and Sydney suburbs, Australia. While the full show chronicles his 71-year-long life through 28 stories and 19 songs (with taped music), this evening’s presentation features the 12 tales and tunes that illuminate his discovery, challenges, and triumphsof being gay. LGBTers and their family/friends are sure to have their own memoriesand emotions stirred as Larry brings them on his uniquely personal, yet universally inspirational, gay journey. Following the show, there is a Q&A period.
Please join us on Monday, February 9, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. as Larry brings his story to life.
Larry Rosenberg is CEO (Chief Entertainment Officer) of The Larry Show ( At 71 years, he created it to share entertainment that inspires concerts, creative-expression workshops, motivational speaking, and life coaching. Since the launch in May 2014, he has been called minister of heart, poster boy of it’s never too late to revitalize your life, and radiant source of never-ending joy. In his former 45-year career, he enjoyed being a marketing professor, management trainer (for a decade in Tokyo), and business consultant. He earned a Ph.D. in Marketing at The Ohio State University. His next performance of the full “Growing Up Larry” is on February 15, 2:00 pm, at the Jewish Community of Sedona, Meadowlark and 179, Chapel area of Sedona.
Our PFLAG Sedona/Verde Valley support meetings are always held the second Monday of every month at The Church of the Red Rocks, 54 Bowstring Drive,Sedona, Arizona, at 7:00 p.m.