Our monthly meeting features Susan Turner, who will tell us about completing an advanced care directive.This presentation will start at 6:30PM, and be followed by our support meeting at 7:30 PM
You never know how much time you will have on this earth. And over the last couple of years, you are
probably even more aware of your own mortality and of those you love. That makes the conversation
we will have on March 8 th even more important. Putting your healthcare wishes in writing allows you to
be sure your wishes will be honored in the event of a healthcare crisis. It allows you to choose who you
want to speak for you if you are unable to speak for yourself. We will be discussing “5 Wishes,” which is
a Living Will, legal in the state of Arizona that also allows you to convey your desired medical wishes and
more. It gives you the opportunity to describe how you would like to be cared for, to say those things
you would like people you love to know, and even your desire to leave a legacy. It is truly a GIFT for
those you call family.
Please join us, as we explore 5 Wishes and answer the questions you may have regarding this subject.
Attached to this email is a pdf of the document and following the meeting, if you would like a 5 Wishes
form, one will be provided for you by Accord Hospice. I am looking forward to guiding you through the
steps you need to know to provide peace of mind to you and those close to your heart.
Susan Turner, CFRE
Susan has worked in the nonprofit world for the last 25 years, as both an Executive Director and a
Director of Philanthropy, championing those causes that are close to her heart. Her true passion is
Hospice. She just recently rejoined Accord Hospice as their Vice President of Community Programs and
Services. She is excited to provide support to the community through educational opportunities and
understanding of quality end-of-life care. She resides in the Village of Oak Creek with her husband,
The presentation will be followed by our support meeting at 7:30 PM.
Both the presentation at 6:30 and the support meeting at 7:30 will use the following zoom links:
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Passcode: AZPFLAG
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Meeting ID: 922 3797 2093
Passcode: 3720249
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aedOSehuqL
Hope to see you there!
Becky ShipmanSecretary PFLAG Sedona / Verde Valley